Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or challenges despite feeling afraid or overwhelmed.
Everything in Life Takes Courage
Courage plays a role in everything we do. What feels easy for one person may be incredibly challenging for someone else. Whether it’s hitting the gym, waking up early for a run, turning down a drink, expressing love, offering an apology, or taking a leap of faith—every action requires courage.
When I was younger, I often avoided trying new things because I was afraid of failing. A friend’s mum once shared some advice with me: “As you get older, you care less about what others think because you have less time to worry about it.” Those words have stayed with me. I still don’t enjoy failing, but I remind myself of a quote from Morgan Housel’s book: “No one is looking at you in your fancy car; they are thinking about what they would look like driving it.”
The truth is, everyone is focused on their own lives. No one will judge you if you miss your target time for a 10K run or don’t finish your first Hyrox Race. Take the leap, and get after it.
Do things for yourself, and hold yourself accountable. After all, this is “your” journey.
Workouts From the Socials this Week.

Run / Lift
Hi Martha,
AMA anytime and I'll try my best to provide a reasonable answer. Like any movement start with breaking in down. It's part deadlift and part clean. To replicate this movement I would take a plate (start with a weight the feels comfortable) and place it on something so it is an inch off the ground to allow you to get your fingers under it. Lift the plate to shoulder height like you were going to dump it over your shoulder. You could use a kettle bell or dumbbell to replicate as well. Placing the KB back on the ground after each rep.
I hope this makes some kind of sense.
Hi Rod, could I ask for some advice not Hyrox related? I'm doing a deka in the next few weeks as a milestone to my hyrox next year, and of the items is a 60lbs over the shoulder deadball, which none of my gyms have. Is there any alternative moves or machines that you'd recommend to imitate that station? Thanks!